Dynamics 365 Human Resources offers an outstanding feature that simplifies the tracking of company-loaned items. The process starts on user-friendly screens dedicated to loan types, providing the flexibility to add various items such as laptops or cell phones. Additionally, users can set specific grace periods for each loan type. For example, employees may be granted a 15-day grace period to return a laptop after their last day at work, while a 0-day grace period may be assigned for items like office keys, requiring immediate return upon departure.
Loan items
On this screen, we have the capability to input all our loan items, complete with their serial numbers, designated person in charge, and associated grace periods. Moreover, rather than creating individual items one by one, we can streamline the process by adding multiple loan items simultaneously. The screen allows us to specify the format for identification and serial numbers, providing additional customization. We can also define the starting number for counting and set intervals as needed.
We want to clarify that the 'person in charge' field is designated for the individual responsible for overseeing the loaned item, distinct from the person who initiated the loan. It's essential to note the distinction between 'grace period' and 'number of days.' The grace period represents the duration after the return date within which a reminder is sent to the borrower for item return. On the other hand, the number of days signifies the permissible loan duration.
The default value for the 'Planned return' field on the Loan page is calculated as the current date plus the specified number of days. Consequently, if the loaned item is currently in use, the status is marked as 'loaned,' whereas an available item is denoted by the status 'available'.
Loaned equipment
On this screen, we can view a comprehensive list of all our loaned equipment, including details such as the borrower's name, loan initiation date, and the planned return date. The 'Planned return date' field is automatically populated based on the predefined number of days set up in the loan item screen. It's important to distinguish this from the 'Actual return date,' which is the specific date when the employee physically returns the item. It's worth noting that the 'Actual return date' cannot be in the future, ensuring an accurate record of the loan history and facilitating tracking of the return timeline for each item.
From the worker screen, we have the capability to review all loaned items associated with a specific worker.
At the Employee Self-Service workspace, employees can conveniently access and review their loaned items. Additionally, they have the option to add any items that have been loaned to them. This feature empowers employees to actively manage and keep track of their loaned belongings, enhancing transparency and self-service efficiency. In conclusion, this streamlined process ensures that both the organization and employees have a clear and accessible overview of loaned items, fostering a more organized and user-friendly experience