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Positions in Dynamics 365 HR

Nour Othman

Positions are a key part of an organization's hierarchy. A position is a specific instance of a job. For example, the position "Sales Manager" is just one of the roles associated with the job "Sales Manager." Positions belong to departments and are assigned to workers. Each position is linked to a single job, and only one active worker can fill a position at a time, though a worker can hold multiple positions.

  • Position in Human resources shared parameters

    Assign Positions Across the Organization:

    • Always: You can assign workers to new positions as soon as they are created. The "Available for assignment" date and time on the General tab of the Position page will automatically be set to the creation date and time.

    • Never: You cannot assign workers to new positions when they are created. If you select this option, you must open the Position page for each new position as it becomes available. Then, on the General tab, enter the "Available for assignment" date to enable worker assignment. By default, the worker assignment date will be set to "Never" until you change it.

    Require Departments on Positions:

    • Checking this box makes the department field mandatory, similar to the job field, when creating a position.

    Check Department Usage Before Deleting:

    • No: Departments can be deleted even if they have been used in a position.

    • Yes: Departments cannot be deleted if they have ever been associated with a position.

    Lock Descriptions for Positions and Forecast Positions:

    • This setting makes the Description fields on the Position, Position Forecast, and Position Action pages read-only, ensuring that the position's description matches the description of the selected job.

  • General tab in position

When you create a position, you must select a job. The following information will automatically be filled in from the selected job: Description, Title, Full-time Equivalent, and Job Family.

Regarding the Position Type and Compensation Region fields:

Position Type: This field categorizes the position within the organization based on its nature or function.

Compensation Region: This field defines geographical areas or regions within an organization where different compensation plans, pay scales, or benefits might apply.

  • Position duration

Each position is effective for a specific duration, starting from its activation date, when it becomes active in the system, to its retirement date, when it is no longer active.

Please note that neither the available-for-assignment date nor the worker assignment date can be earlier than the activation date. A position is only considered active once the activation date is reached. Additionally, a worker assignment cannot extend beyond the position's retirement date.

  • Reports-to position

Positions are key elements in the lower levels of an organization's hierarchy. On the Position page, you can specify which position a particular position reports to. When you assign a worker to a position that reports to another, you establish a reporting relationship between the workers in those positions.

The reports-to position is used throughout the system to determine who an employee's manager is. In the preceding example, if the manager role is assigned to Sanjay Patel in the system, Sanjay will see Kim Akers as a direct report in Manager Self-Service. The reporting relationship can also be used when you create workflow routing rules and checklist tasks.

  • Worker assignments

When you assign a worker to a position, you fill that position. While a worker can be assigned to multiple positions, only one worker can occupy a specific position at any given time. On the Maintain Version screen, you can view all past workers who have been assigned to a position. Meanwhile, the main screen displays the worker currently linked to that position.

  • Relationships

In organizations with complex or custom hierarchies, such as a matrix structure, you can define various position hierarchy types. This allows you to establish reporting relationships for each hierarchy type.

For instance, at Adventure Works, Lori Penor serves as the General Manager and holds the corresponding position. Lori oversees the development of a product designed for cleaning widgets, which necessitates the involvement of an accountant for financial management. Consequently, Lori has brought Kim Akers on board as the accountant. Although Kim reports directly to Sanjay Patel, she also collaborates with Lori Penor on financial aspects related to the widget cleaner project.

  • Copy position function

If multiple positions with identical details are needed, you don't have to create each one individually. Instead, you can use the copy function to effortlessly replicate the desired number of positions.

  • Payroll

We use this tab to define and manage the salary details for employees assigned to this position. By configuring the relevant parameters, we ensure that salary calculations are accurately processed according to the position’s established criteria. This setup facilitates precise and consistent salary management for all workers linked to this position.

  • Financial dimensions

When creating the financial dimension for a position, it is essential to specify a legal entity. You can individually select default dimensions for each financial dimension, or you can use a distribution template to automatically populate these default dimensions. A distribution template also allows for the allocation of amounts across multiple-dimension values, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient setup process.

In summary, setting up Positions in Dynamics 365 Human Resources helps keep job roles, salaries, and workforce planning organized and accurate. Proper configuration ensures smooth HR processes and supports overall business efficiency.

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